Friday, November 12, 2010

Dr Tateishi Kazu's Delicious Vegetable Broth & Brown Rice Tea

Dr Tateishi Kazu's miraculous broth

A year ago, I would not have believed that drinking a broth carefully prepared from certain vegetables would have a miraculous healing effect on the human body. For the past year, I have witnessed and spoken to quite a number of people who have tried the healing broth therapy and experienced incredible healing effects.
The broth originated from Japan, and it has since its creation spread far and wide.  The creator or designer of the formula or recipe is Dr Tateishi Kazu, M.D, and some 25,000 people have tried and benefited from it.

What is so special about the broth are the ingredients - vegetables that are not only  commonplace but also cheaply and readily available in the market.


Dr. Tateishi Kazu's father and brother both died of cancer, and later he too found himself suffering from cancer of the duodenum. His stomach had to be removed but the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. This was when he resolved to fight for his life.

It is noteworthy that Dr Tateishi spent over twenty years studying and testing more than 1,500 types of botanicals. He eventually discovered the right combination of ingredients from five kinds of vegetables and formulated a unique healing protocol.  This formula he discovered could assist general health maintenance, strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process.  The broth was also successfully tried on animals and no negative side effects have been found.

The life-extending broth

Dr Tateishi Kazu's broth has been found to having a healing effect on the following:
high blood pressure
gastric ulcers

liver disorders
cardiovascular problems
T-cell functions
injured joints and bones
tumours and cancer

TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) Principles
Dr Tateishi Kazu's broth is based on the principles of TCM's Five Elements theory 五行, which describes the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline.  According to TCM it is this balance that engenders health as opposed to imbalance, which leads to disease.

The five elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, the Earth is able to provide life.  Dr. Tateishi Kzu deduced the essence of the five elements in terms of the following colors: green, red, yellow, white and black.

These colors and elements also relate to the 5 corresponding internal organs:

Heart [red-fire], liver [green-wood], spleen [yellow-earth], lungs [white-metal] and kidney [black-water].
Each of the five different colors which denote the 5 elements are used to identify the 5  vegetables that contain them as follows:
[1] Radish tops/leaves [green = wood ]
[2] Carrot [red = fire]
[3] Burdock root [yellow = earth]

      [a.k.a as 'Gobo' in Japanese – found in most supermarkets in the Japanese food dept]
[4] Radish tuber [white = metal]
[5] Shitake Mushroom [black = water]

      [a.k.a as Japanese/Chinese - flower-mushroom/winter mushroom/fragrant mushroom)
Dr Tateishi Kazu
     Recipe (2 days' quantity)
[ note that one ounce is around 29 grams].  To prepare a smaller quantity – say for a day's   worth – halve the respective quantities of the ingredients.  The measures are for dry weight, not fluid ounces ].
Radish [aka daikon 白萝卜]         16 ounces [450 grams]
Radish (tops - leaves)                 08-10 ounces [225 to 280 grams]
Carrot                                          08-10 ounces [225 to 280 ounces]
Burdock root [aka gobo
牛旁]    08 ounces [225 grams]
Shitake Mushroom [
香菇]            3-5 whole mushrooms

(Ideally, mushrooms should have been sun-dried first.  Fresh ones if used should be exposed to the sun whenever possible to enable Vitamin D to be formed.)


[1] Use fresh vegetables. Don't peel the skin off the radish and carrot or chop the vegetables into small pieces.  Do not add seasonings, etc.  Keep it plain.
[2] Fill a pot with three times the quantity of water as the vegetables.

[3] When the broth starts to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for two hours.

[4] Strain and drink throughout day.

Leftover broth can be used as base for wet noodles.

Special notes

•  Important: Always use a heat-resistant glassware or stainless steel container for boiling.
Reason: The vegetable soup can dissolve enamel or the non-stick chemical coating of Aluminum wares and fluorothene fibers.
•  Do not take the broth together with other drinks, especially one containing high protein Taking brown rice tea or herbal tea at the same time will reduce the healing effect by half.

•  Observe an interval of one hour after taking Chinese medicine, and an interval of two hours after taking Western/allopathic medicine.

•  Use organic vegetables to avoid chemical additives.  Note that the broth does not keep well and should be consumed in a short time as the broth deteriorates rapidly. Always deep freeze the remainder in a sealed glass container and reheat when needed.
The broth is conveniently available in prepackaged form and sold as:
Nutritional profile of the 5 ingredients in the recipe formulated by Dr Tateishi Kazu.  Note that the combo is based on a 5-color scheme which according to the creator, constitute the basis of life are therefore necessary to effect the healing of diseased states.
Radish [white]

Radish is very rich in vitamin C, ten times more than that in pears and apples. It also has plenty of digestive enzymes, particularly of starchy foods, that help repair the stomach membrane, improve the secretion of digestive liquids and promotes energy circulation, preventing gastritis, ulcer in the stomach and excess of hydrochloric acid. It also has anti-cancer properties INDD that checks the growth of cancer cells and dissolves ammonium nitrate that is cancer-causing.


Radish tops or leaves [green]

The abundance of nutrients found in radish leaves is amazing. It has three times as much Vitamin A as that in livers and eels, 60% more of Vitamin B1 than that in fermented soybeans, two times as much Vitamin B2 as that in cow's milk. It is extremely rich in iron and is an ideal food for nourishing blood. Radish leaves are the richest in Vitamin C, two and a half times as that in tangerines, four times as that in spinach, so discarding the leaves when eating the radish is really a waste. Radish leaves have a slightly pungent but pleasant and smooth taste. It is a very nutritious green-leaf vegetable that maintains a balance with the properties of the other part of the same plant: the edible part of the radish root. The special quality of the radish root and its leaves is another wonder and mystery of nature.

Carrot [red]
Carrot is rich in Beta Carotene, a very strong antioxidant, and other minerals that are easily absorbed by the human body. The body changes Beta Carotene into Vitamin A, which is important in strengthening the immune system and promoting healthy cell growth. It is also rich in lignin and INDD that help fight cancer and boost up two to three times the human immunity.

Shitake Mushroom [black]

Shitake is known to the Chinese as香菇 [xiang gū], 冬菇 [dōng gū], 花菇 [hua gū]
Mushrooms are rich in dietary fibers, and minerals like potassium, iron, etc. It is high in B vitamins and ergosterol that will be converted to Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight, which is essential for utilization of calcium. Mushroom has a polysaccharide compound called lentinan which helps produce T-cells to destroy bacteria and viruses and has anti-cancer, anti-tumor effects, strengthening the immune system and fighting disease-causing organisms. Zinc and selenium in mushrooms also activate thymus in the chest that helps in T-cell production. Amino acids in mushrooms are also effective for liver diseases.

Burdock [yellow]

This is called 'Gobo' in Japanese or Niú Bàng (
牛旁) in Mandarin Chinese. Dietary fiber in burdock is the richest among all root vegetables, which is best for prevention of diseases of the large intestine. It is also rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, etc. There is equal proportion of soluble and insoluble fibers that stimulate lactic acids, improve constipation and the discharge of cholesterols. It also enhances blood circulation, relieves internal wind and heat, clearing the lung and diminishing eczema, edema and body toxins, preventing cancer and arteriosclerosis. Its iron content makes it a good food supplement for ladies for skin-care purposes.

Brown Rice Tea
[ this formula/recipe is also derived from Dr Tateishi Kazu ]

Another remedy that can be used in conjunction with the vegetable soup is brown rice tea. It is good for ridding excess water from the body.
For diabetics, it can bring the sugar level down by producing more natural insulin in the body. The tea cleanses the blood and blood vessels. A person with a heart condition drinking both broth and tea for a period of 20 days will be able to regulate the problem.  The protocol of drinking three cups per day is needed. For a regular cancer patient, about two cups are sufficient.

Brown Rice Tea Recipe

Brown rice         1 cup [250 ml size cup or 300 grams or 10 ounces (not fluid ounces!)]
water                 16 cups [4 liters]

Note: Only cook in stainless steel or glass. Do not mix with any other ingredients. In other words, don't be creative.

1. Roast the rice without oil until dark brown, but don't let it burn.

2. Boil 8 cups of water and pour roasted rice into water. Turn off flame, cover and let it sit for five minutes. Strain out rice and reserve liquid.

3. Boil 8 more cups of water. Put the remaining rice back into the water. Cover, lower flame and simmer five minutes. Strain rice out. Mix the two rice waters together.


The amount one needs depends on the condition. The more serious the condition, the more tea needed.

1. Do not drink tea while taking a high protein substance.

2. Don't drink the vegetable soup and brown rice tea together. Wait at least 15 minutes before ingesting the other.  In other words, at least a 30-60 minute interval between the 2 protocols is needed.

3. If you use this remedy regularly, you will not fall sick.

Some possible reactions:

1. Itchy skin or eczema.

2. If you use medications and/or have eczema, use less because you may get a stronger reaction.

3. People with head injury problems may develop headaches but don't worry, it won't last.

4. People with eye problems may get temporary blurred vision or itching around the eyes. Eyesight will get better eventually . If you wear glasses, try to reduce the prescription and use glasses less frequently.

5. Lowering of body temperature, but this is normal.

For high blood pressure, drink the two soups alternatively, but drink slowly. Blood pressure will come down after one month. Talk to a doctor about reducing medication, but don't stop medication right away.  Continue with the protocols for a minimum of one month.

Progress of healing

After three days of ingesting both, cancer cells will stop growing. After a minimum of one month, normal cells begin to grow back.

Pancreatic cancer - minimum of one month
Stomach cancer - one month
Liver cancer - one year
Rheumatism - one year
Cataracts - four months
Eye Disease - one to four months
Insomnia, sinusitis, fatigue - 0 - 20 days
Eczema - four to seven months
Liver spots - three to six months skin will clear
Hair growth - six to twelve months
Epilepsy - three to six months
Stroke - six to twelve months
Irregular heart beat - 20 days

If you are on medication, consult with a doctor to adjust your dosage. This remedy works for some people, but it may not work for you. It is not intended to replace the traditional treatments."
Suggested protocols:
• Diabetes take 600 ml of brown rice (BR) tea in the morning and 400 ml of Vegetable broth (VB) in the afternoon.

• Heart problem: 300 ml of BR and 600 ml of VB.

• Gall stones: 600 ml of BR and 600 ml of VB.

• Other diseases: About 600 ml (2.5 cups) of VB a day divided in 3 rations before meals . 

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